Investor Visas & Business Immigration
Donoso & Partners LLC is nationally recognized for their expertise in investor visas and visas for high skilled and extraordinary workers. Donoso & Partners has achieved remarkable success advising investors and regional centers in the EB-5 program. The Firm also has over two decades of extensive experience in E and L investor visas, as well as EB-2NIW and EB-1A permanent residency petitions for entrepreneurs, researchers and artists. Our clients range from high net worth families, to leading businesses from all over the world. The firm’s team of professionals is highly knowledgeable about business structures, accounting concepts and the legal requirements of complex visa programs.
Meeting the Needs of Clients Across the Globe
We work closely with each of our clients and offer tailored advice and services to fulfill their needs.
Our Achievements

Client Appreciation
“Ignacio I want to thank you and your team for the way that you handled this process with such professionalism. After my experience with the previous law firm where we lost time and money, your firm has managed the case with super professionalism and excellent communication.”
– Javier S.
Donoso's Blog
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Iggy Talks EB-5
Located in the nation’s capital.

Get Started.
Receive analysis and advice for your immigration status in US or Canada.
To schedule a consultation with Donoso & Partners, use our online portal to set up a 45 minutes assessment of your immigration goals. During this session, we will discuss a plan for your visa process for the US. or Canada.
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